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Charta der Vielfalt Localiser

Charta der Vielfalt

As part of our work and corporate culture, our CEO Kathrin Goldammer signed the Charta der Vielfalt. The Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charta) is a document confirming diversity in a company. Among others, it is also signed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration Reem Alabali-Radovan.

Charta der Vielfalt Localiser
Localiser Charta der Vielfalt

Our basic principles

Our 8 basic principles for a diverse and prejudice-free work environment are:


  1. We put people first

  2. We say no to racism and discrimination

  3. We say no to sexism and homophobia

  4. Localiser values a tolerant and respectful work culture

  5. We are aware that there are more than two genders

  6. At Localiser people of all genders work together on an equal footing

  7. Personnel and work processes are carried out according to the ability, lifestyle and framework conditions of the employees.

  8. We inform our employees about diversity

Our values and our Gender Equality Plan

Charta der Vielfalt

030 62934644

Rudower Chaussee 12B

12489 Berlin


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© 2018-2024 Localiser RLI GmbH

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