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Unsere Werte von Localiser

Our values

Equality, acceptance and sustainability are just some of the values that shape Localiser as a company. For us, people come first. Acceptance and tolerance are two of the fundamental principles by which Localiser operates. Every person is respected regardless of gender, origin, sexual orientation, faith or appearance. Nobody is a lone fighter with us, but we are a team that supports each other constructively and loyally.


Localiser is a software company for the automated construction of charging infrastructure for electromobility. We are a spin-off from the Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI), which is committed to the conversion of the energy supply to 100% renewable energies, and feel closely connected to the RLI.

Article 1

Our goal is to implement the energy and transport turnaround

Localiser software makes charging infrastructure planning simple and fast. We are doing this to electrify the transportation sector. In doing so, we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport and stop man-made climate change. As companies and individuals, this goal is also important to us. We set the framework conditions for our team in such a way that climate-friendly behavior is as easy as possible. And we strive to live in a way that protects the environment and the climate.

Article 2

Human being comes first

We see the people who work at Localiser as individuals, not just as a workforce. We recognize that some people have personal, emotional or health issues that may affect their work and productivity. We give these aspects space in our corporate culture and offer support when colleagues need it.

Article 3

No to racism and exclusion

Localiser RLI GmbH rejects any form of racism or discrimination based on origin, appearance or world views. At Localiser, we aim to create a working environment that allows everyone to flourish and never be discriminated against on the basis of appearance or cultural background. We actively and regularly challenge our own patterns of behavior and institutional processes to identify discriminatory behavior of which we may be unaware.

Article 4

No to sexism

At Localiser, people of all genders work together on an equal footing. The energy and transport sector lacks gender parity - we want to change that! We are aware that there are more than two genders and try to create a working environment and the necessary infrastructure that allows every single person to develop and not be disadvantaged because of their gender or sexual orientation. At Localiser, all genders are welcome. We record concrete measures to comply with and implement this intention in our Gender Equality Plan.

Article 5

We value a good working culture

Localiser prides itself on its inclusive work culture. We work together as a team and support each other. We try to eliminate competitiveness within our team, as we believe that we can only achieve our common goals by working together and not against each other. We strive for a working atmosphere in which we communicate openly and honestly with each other at all levels. We adhere to agreed rules, processes and deadlines and strive not to cause unnecessary work for each other. We value the work and time of our colleagues. We trust our team members and treat each other with respect.


030 62934644

Rudower Chaussee 12B

12489 Berlin


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© 2018-2024 Localiser RLI GmbH

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