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Aktuelles über Localiser


Stay up to date with the latest news about Localiser. Learn more about our progress, as well as our further plans and goals.


June 2024:
First Localiser webinar started

Our first Localiser webinar for our charging infrastructure app took place on 28.06.2024. The topic of the first session was "The new market ramp-ups in the Localiser app until 2035". Following the successful launch of the webinar, we will continue it in the future.

June 2024:
Second "Hydrogen tour through the regions" by the Minister of Economic Affairs of the State of Brandenburg

From now on, each location assessment in the Localiser app will provide sales forecasts up to the year 2035. Each forecast will continue to consist of a conservative and an alternative ramp-up. The new market ramp-up to 2035 is also available in 10 European countries.


March 2024:
Oliver Arnhold at HyTruck in Rostock

As part of the HyTruck project, all project partners met in Rostock in March 2024. The current status of the project was discussed at the meeting. Oliver Arnhold, Co-Managing Director of Localiser, was there again as part of the hydrogen marketplace.

March 2024:
Second "Hydrogen tour through the regions" by the Minister of Economic Affairs of the State of Brandenburg

Following the successful launch of the first Hydrogen Tour 2023 in Cottbus, Elea Nebelung and Oliver Arnhold are now in Prenzlau with the Minister of Economic Affairs of the State of Brandenburg, Jörg Steinbach.


February 2023:
Hydrogen WG share with Kathrin Goldammer

On February 1, 2024, our Co-Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer was invited to the Hydrogen WG in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The topic of this meeting was the trade and certification of hydrogen.

January 2023:
Kathrin Goldammer invited to the 30th meeting of the Committee on Mobility and Transport

Kathrin Goldammer, Co-CEO of Localiser and energy expert, was invited to the 30th meeting of the Committee for Mobility and Transport on 17.01.2024. The main topic was the expansion of the charging infrastructure in the capital region. Goldammer also named Localiser. We were well represented there with our software for planning charging infrastructure.


December 2023:
Annual review of the year 2023

An exciting year is coming to an end. With just a few weeks to go, we are already welcoming the new year 2024. From expansion to anniversaries, a lot has happened at Localiser in 2023. We would like to present our absolute highlights to you again today.

November 2023:
Starting signal genesis with Kathrin Goldammer

On November 21, our Co-Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer took part in the launch of the HMWEVW-funded "genesis" project. The event took place at the Neue Druckerei in Kassel in northern Hesse. Among the guests were representatives from energy start-ups and business, as well as people interested in founding a company.

Startschuss genesis mit Kathrin Goldammer
Jubiläum! Localiser feiert 5. Geburtstag

September 2023:
Anniversary! Localiser celebrates 5th birthday

On September 7, 2018, Localiser had its 5th anniversary. Founded as a small startup, Kathrin Goldammer and Oliver Arnhold had the vision to build a company for planning charging infrastructure. This version has developed into a company that now employs 11 people and has planned more than 1,000,000 locations internationally. On September 11, the big birthday party took place in Tempelhof.

September 2023:
New matching function in the hydrogen marketplace

The time has come! The new matching function in our international hydrogen marketplace has been activated. Connect with players along the entire hydrogen value chain more easily than ever before.

Neue Matching-Funktion im Wasserstoffmarktplatz
11. Adlershofer Firmenstaffel mit Localiser

September 2023:
11th Adlershof Company Relay with Localiser

On your marks, get set, go! On September 7, 2023, our 5th birthday, the 11th Adlershof company relay also took place at the former Johannisthal airfield. The Localiser team also took part and showed sportsmanship.

July 2023:
HyTruck event in Gothenburg and international expansion of the hydrogen marketplace

As part of the hydrogen marketplace, our Co-Managing Director Oliver Arnhold was a guest at the HyTruck event in Gothenburg, Sweden. The event resulted in the publication of the hydrogen marketplace in ten other countries.

HyTruck-Veranstaltung in Göteborg und internationale Expansion des Wasserstoffmarktplatzes
Studierende der HTW lernen von Kathrin Goldammer

July 2023:
HTW students learn from Kathrin Goldammer

Localiser and RLI managing director Kathrin Goldammer made her debut as a lecturer at HTW Berlin from April to July 2023. She shared her many years of expertise with interested students in the elective module "Economic Aspects of the Use of Renewable Energy".

June 2023:
Hydrogen Week with Localiser

The hydrogen economy is booming like never before. Obviously, an entire week is dedicated to the environmentally friendly gas. From 10.06. to 18.06.2023, the "Week of Hydrogen" took place in Berlin, where our CEO Oliver Arnhold was also present.

Woche des Wasserstoffs mit Localiser
Localiser unterzeichnet die Charta der Vielfalt

June 2023:
Localiser signs the Diversity Charter

As part of our work and corporate culture, our CEO Kathrin Goldammer signed the Diversity Charter. This characterizes diversity in a company. We are very happy to be part of a community that stands for diversity in the workplace.

March 2023:
12th Energy Symposium "Future Prospects for Hydrogen" with our CEO Oliver Arnhold

On March 3, 2023, the 12th Energy Symposium "Future Perspectives for Hydrogen" was held at TH Wildau. Six experts from the fields of science, business and politics spoke about topics in the field of hydrogen. Among them was our managing director Oliver Arnhold, who presented our hydrogen marketplace.

12. Energiesymposium „Zukunftsperpektive Wasserstoff" mit unserem CEO Oliver Arnhold
Localiser - Ausblick auf das Jahr 2023

January 2023:
Outlook for 2023

The new year is still in the starting blocks, but Localiser already has big plans for 2023. After a successful 2022, we would now like to give an outlook for 2023. Where do we want to go? What are our goals for this year? What innovations will there be? You can find out all this in our annual outlook 2023.

December 2022:
Our annual review of the year 2022

Another successful year for Localiser is drawing to a close. A lot has happened to us within one year. We are grateful for the constant trust in us and proud of what we have achieved so far. Furthermore, we are happy to work in a great team that supports us in our vision. What has happened at Localiser in 2022?

Localiser - Unser Jahresrückblick auf das Jahr 2022
Deutsch-Japanischer Energierat nimmt Kathrin Goldammer als Mitglied auf

November 2022:
German-Japanese Energy Council accepts Kathrin Goldammer as member

RLI and Localiser Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer has become a member of the German Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC). For the first time, she participated as a council member at a committee meeting in Berlin on November 28 and 29.

November 2022:
Oliver Arnhold moderates at InfraSPREE

On November 9 and 10, the annual InfraSPREE took place again in the Schinkelhalle in Potsdam. Our managing director Oliver Arnhold was present, moderating the session "Hydrogen: What companies need to know now". Once again, InfraSPREE produced interesting and constructive contributions.

Oliver Arnhold moderiert auf der InfraSPREE
Localiser expandiert Wasserstoffmarktplatz deutschlandweit

October 2022:
Localiser expands hydrogen marketplace across Germany

In March 2022, Localiser published Germany's first hydrogen marketplace for Berlin and Brandenburg. Hydrogen suppliers and hydrogen seekers can meet and cooperate here. Now the hydrogen marketplace is being expanded to the whole of Germany, so that all suppliers and seekers can find partners regionally and nationally.

July 2022:
Hydrogen strategy for the Chemnitz model region

The Reiner Lemoine Institute is currently working with the Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr (IAV), the consulting firm consulting4drive, and DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH to develop a hydrogen strategy for the Chemnitz model region. The intention of this project is the use of hydrogen technology in the mobility and heating sector, as well as the support of the transformation of the Saxon automotive industry.

Wasserstoffstrategie für die Modellregion Chemnitz
Localiser veröffentlicht Charta und Gender Equality Plan

Juni 2022:
Localiser publishes Charta and Gender Equality Plan

Equality, acceptance and sustainability are just some of the values that shape Localiser as a company. For us, people come first. Acceptance and tolerance are two of the fundamental principles by which Localiser operates. Every person is respected regardless of gender, origin, sexual orientation, faith or appearance. No one is a lone wolf with us, but we are a team that supports each other constructively and loyally. What is important to us is written in our principles and in our Gender Equality Plan.

March 2022:
Localiser publishes the first hydrogen marketplace for Berlin and Brandenburg

The federal states of Brandenburg and Berlin opened the hydrogen marketplace for Berlin and Brandenburg in March 2022. The digital hydrogen marketplace was developed by Localiser RLI GmbH and is an intermediary portal for concrete suppliers and demanders of hydrogen. The hydrogen marketplace closes the gaps between production, demand and consumption in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

Localiser veröffentlicht den ersten Wasserstoff-Marktplatz für Berlin und Brandenburg
Ãœber 60 Organisationen planen das Deutschlandnetz mit Localiser

November 2021:
Over 60 organizations plan Germany network with Localiser

The invitation to tender is closed! According to NOW, over 400 participant applications with around 23 regional lots have been received for the Germany Network. We are pleased that over 60 organizations have planned the Germany Network with Localiser. From 111 user:in, 180 site assessments were conducted and about 3300 charging locations were prepared. The best prerequisite for the second round of the Deutschlandnetz!

September 2021:
Germany network

"Localiser supports the idea of a nationwide fast-charging network across Germany and wants to help the German network succeed," say Managing Directors Kathrin Goldammer and Oliver Arnhold.

Digitale Prozesse bei e-mobil BW mit Hilfe von Localiser

August 2021:
Digital processes at e-mobil BW with the help of Localiser

We are pleased about the cooperation with e-mobil BW! e-mobil BW is the central contact point for the change of mobility in Baden-Württemberg. The state agency supports, networks and provides information on the topic of the transformation of mobility.

March 2021:
Localiser develops Germany's first hydrogen marketplace

On behalf of the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and in cooperation with the Reiner Lemoine Institute and DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Localiser is participating in the "Moderation, evaluation and assessment of a participation process including recommendations for the development of a hydrogen economy in Brandenburg and the capital region". We are very pleased to announce that we will develop a hydrogen marketplace for Brandenburg within the framework until the end of 2021. More information can be found on our hydrogen page.

Localiser entwickelt deutschlandweit ersten Wasserstoff-Marktplatz
Ladeinfrastruktur schneller planen: Aktuelle Lieblingsfunktion im Localiser-Tool - die Absatzprognose der Ladeenergiemenge

November 2020:
Plan charging infrastructure faster:
Current favorite feature in the Localiser tool -
the sales forecast of the charging energy quantity

Anyone investing in charging infrastructure needs a forecast of the amount of charging energy that will be purchased and how many charging points will be profitable. Localiser makes this possible.

November 2020:
NOW National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology:
National Charging Infrastructure Control Center

NOW GmbH National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology has established the so-called National Charging Infrastructure Control Center. This will bundle and expand activities for more charging infrastructure at the federal level. Among other things, the Reiner Lemoine Institute was commissioned to develop the so-called StandortTOOL of NOW. The potential and demand for charging infrastructure can be viewed at the federal level.

NOW Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie: Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur
Innovatorenpreis 2020 Oliver Arnhold Localiser DIN

November 2020:
Innovator Award 2020

Localiser Managing Director Oliver Arnhold and the consortium around DIN SPEC 91433 have won the Innovator Award 2020 of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) in the category "Market launch of a product or service".

August 2020:
Localiser optimizes charging infrastructure for multi-site customers

We are pleased about our new customers from the multi-site sector. They have parking lots or properties all over Germany and want to build charging infrastructure for electromobility in the next few years. Only at which sites should they invest first? This is where the Localiser algorithm helps, calculating a forecast of charging volumes at each site up to the year 2030. 


Brand new in our platform: the simple interface for uploading location lists. So you can directly upload a whole list of hundreds of locations at once via Excel and display it in the platform.

Localiser optimiert Ladeinfrastruktur für Multi-Site-Kunden
Corona Konjunktur - und Zukunftspaket:   2,5 Milliarden Euro für Ladesäulen

June 2020:
Corona economic stimulus and future package:  
2.5 billion euros for charging columns

The Corona Stimulus and Future Package provides €2.5 billion for the promotion of charging points alone. Of this, both private (500 million) and publicly accessible charging points are to receive funding. Time is running out to plan and commission the right technology in the right places.

Januar 2020:
Clean air and digital approval processes in Berlin with Localiser

Localiser joins ElMobileBerlin! The ElMobileBerlin project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as part of the "Clean Air" emergency program.

Saubere Luft und digitale Genehmigungsprozesse in Berlin mit Localiser
Verkehrswende in Deutschland: Infrastrukturplanung für emissionsfreie Mobilität

October 2019:
Transport turnaround in Germany:
Infrastructure planning for emission-free mobility

The transport sector is the only area in which greenhouse gas emissions have increased rather than decreased compared to 1990. Against this backdrop, there are many calls for a transport turnaround in which emission-free mobility is a central component. Attractive public transport options, car and ridesharing, and attractive offers for cycling and walking also play an important role.

October 2019:
Planning charging infrastructure:  
Where can charging stations be operated economically?

Electric mobility is on the rise. All major vehicle manufacturers are massively expanding their model ranges to include electric vehicles. A significant increase in the number of e-vehicles is desired and expected in terms of environmental policy. The charging infrastructure must of course keep pace with this, so that the e-vehicles can also be charged in public areas.

Planung von Ladeinfrastruktur:   Wo lassen sich Ladesäulen wirtschaftlich betreiben?

Localiser in other media

"Die Wasserstoff-Partnerbörse Online-Marktplatz bringt Angebot und Nachfrage zusammen"

(Hydrogeit, August 2024)


"Start-up des Monats: Standorte für Ladeinfrastruktur finden, evaluieren und planen"

(pv magazine, Juli 2024)


"Localiser – 5 Jahre erfolgreiche Planung von Ladeinfrastruktur - Ausgründung aus dem Reiner Lemoine Institut feierte Firmenjubiläum"

(Technologiepark Adlershof, September 2023)


"Wie Berlin die Lade-Infrastruktur für E-Autos ausbauen will"

(rbb24, July 2023)


"Steinbach: 'Enger Schulterschluss für den Aufbau einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft notwendig'"

(Land Brandenburg, November 2022)


"Energieregionen Berlin und Brandenburg: Digitaler Marktplatz „Localiser“ soll Wasserstoff-Vorhaben voranbringen"

(Märkische Allgemeine, October 2022)


"Volle Energie voraus - Staffel 1 - Folge 9: SmartGrid"

(Future Energy Lab, July 2022)


"Digitaler H2-Marktplatz eröffnet"

(Stadt + Werk, April 2022)


"Ein Wasserstoffmarktplatz für Berlin und Brandenburg"

(energate messenger, April 2022)


"Digitaler Wasserstoff-Marktplatz für Berlin-Brandenburg eröffnet: Das vom Adlershofer Unternehmen Localiser entwickelte Tool soll das Wachstum der Wasserstoffwirtschaft beschleunigen"

(, April 2022)


"Digitaler Wasserstoffmarktplatz für Berlin-Brandenburg eröffnet"

(Technologiepark Adlershof, April 2022)


"Heiß begehrter Energieträger: Berlin und Brandenburg gründen Partnerbörse für Wasserstoff Händler"

(Der Tagesspiegel, April 2022)


"Schwarz und Steinbach: Wachstum der Wasserstoffwirtschaft beschleunigen"

(Berlin - Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe, April 2022)


Oliver Arnhold vom Reiner Lemoine Institut und Team gewinnen DIN-Innovatorenpreis - Neuer DIN-Leitfaden beschleunigt den Ausbau der Elektro-Ladeinfrastruktur für eine erfolgreiche Verkehrswende

(Technologiepark Adlershof, November 2020)


"Ladeinfrastrukturplanung - ein wichtiger Bestandteil für neue Mobilitätskonzepte"

(Heuer Dialog, January 2020)


"Schneller den besten Platz für die Ladesäule finden"

(ZfK, December 2019)


"Elektromobilität und die Suche nach den besten Standorten für Ladesäulen"

(Energy Brainpool, October 2019)


"Wohin mit der Ladestation? - Ladeinfrastruktur richtig aufbauen - Localiser #2"

(YouTube: Steve&Julian, October 2019)


"Elektroauto laden? Wohin soll die Ladestation? Localiser hilft! #1 Die Vorplanung"

(YouTube: Steve&Julian, September 2019)

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