November 2020: NOW National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology: National Charging Infrastructure Control Center
NOW GmbH National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology has established the so-called National Charging Infrastructure Control Center. This will bundle and expand activities for more charging infrastructure at the federal level. Among other things, the Reiner Lemoine Institute was commissioned to develop the so-called StandortTOOL of NOW. The potential and demand for charging infrastructure can be viewed at the federal level.

Localiser ideally complements this offer to answer very specific questions: How many kilowatt hours can be sold at this location per year and until 2030? What charging capacity should be offered at this location and how many charging points must be added? Can the necessary power connections also be requested digitally from the grid operator quickly and efficiently? At least the last question can be answered very simply with Localiser: "Yes!"
Localiser offers even more information points to the charging station register and the Federal Network Agency. With Localiser, you therefore not only plan your publicly accessible charging infrastructure in urban areas, in parking garages, at gas stations and supermarkets as well as rest stops. Of course, you can also align your neighborhood development for the traffic turnaround by planning streets, parking areas, pedestrian zones, the connection to public transport as well as sharing and charging concepts with Localiser. We can even calculate and display the best positions as well as the potential customer catchment area for hydrogen filling stations with Localiser. Ultimately, we at Localiser are the specialists for the automated planning of infrastructure for the traffic turnaround.